Many people find themselves with a question like how many times should I shampoo my hairs, and though it is also good to be aware of your skincare habits. Using a good hair care product will help you, but we also know that excessive use of anything will harm you and your body.
So we do need to find out the right amount and how often a shampoo should be applied so that it will benefit you and does not harm your body.
You might have heard somewhere that shampooing daily will damage your hair, so you need to avoid its use daily. It is also suggested that we need to apply shampoo only twice a week. But do we ever try to find out what else could be the reason for it and how shampooing our hairs could damage our hairs every day?
Here we have come to solve your query with a good reason and also tell you that shampooing twice could benefit your hairs.
Have you ever wondered that our scalp gets shinier, oily, and darker before taking a shower? You might not have thought about why this happens and how often you need to wash your hair to keep these things away from your hair. But, firstly, you need to find out the leading root cause of this problem.
The main issue with hairs :
You might have heard the Sebum somewhere around, or even if you are hearing it the first time, not a problem. Sebum is the reason behind the oiliness of the skin, and the same is also responsible for the greasy hairs. As our gland in the skin produces an oily substance called Sebum. It moistens our skin and hair and keeps them from drying out.
The glands that produce Sebum are called sebaceous glands and are located right next to hair roots in the layer of skin called the dermis. From there, the sebaceous glands channels their way to the hair follicle. In this way, Sebum makes its way from the skin to directly on our scalps.
Another reason for the problem is also that each one of us produces Sebum in different amounts. It is also very much dependent on the genetics and hormonal factors of the person and how much of or in what amount a person produces the Sebum every single time. Sometimes you might have seen that when a person entered into the hormonal growth cycle, he tends to produce more Sebum which started showing its effects on his face and body. That’s why they tend to have acne and greasy hair during the golden period of their puberty.
The right amount to wash your hair with Shampoo:
So we do need to know what should be the right or proper amount and how often we need to wash our hair. While the answer might be different for everyone and also do depend on the person to person and the situation of their hairs.
But one thing to another, we surely can tell you that whatever may be the case, we don’t need to wash our hair daily. It’s been said and a proven fact that washing too often can do much damage to our hair. People, to get rid of oil in their scalp, wash their hair too often to dry out their scalp, but what they end up doing is that their body starts producing more oil.
So actually, some things need to be considered while determining the right amount of washing your hair. Below there are such thing is to be kept in mind next time while you do shampoo to your hair:
1. Skin Type
The frequency of washing your hair is very much dependent on the type of skin that you have. If you have a standard skin type somewhere in between that is not very oily and not that much dry, so you only need to wash your hair only for once or twice a week. But in case of a greasy scalp, it is advised to wash your hair more often.
2. Styling
Styling is another factor that makes us change or regulate our hair washing days. If you have put your hair through styling and have ever done the hair treatment, you have to be more careful with your hair and know what’s best for your hair. Most of the time, styling does damage our hair, and in such a case, we need to wash our hair less frequently.
3. Hair Texture
The texture of our hair also matters very much, as it directly affects how quickly Sebum makes its way from the roots to the length of hair. If you have hair that is curly or coarse, the Sebum spread out would likely be slow. So if someone has this kind of hair, he would only need to shampoo once a week. While the case, on the other hand, for people with fine, straight hair is different. People with such hair texture should shampoo their hair at least twice a week or more.
So here we have discussed the problems that make your hair greasy and the right amount to wash your hair weekly to protect your hair from damage. The damage could either be done by applying shampoo to your hair daily or very frequently.
To put an end to this all, we have different solutions for the person with different hair types. Those who have curly hair should often wash their hair once a week, and those who have straight and fine hair need to wash their hair twice a week. Those mentioned above are the tried and tested cases. People often who have followed this advice had found results to their hairs within weeks of doing so.